Elliot’s cupcakes

My son Elliot loves to get stuck in baking and mixing and icing he can’t help himself. So while I’m busy and his brother is napping I try to make sure I have something for him to do. He made these cupcakes himself (I measured and Elliot poured and mixed!). I ten showed him how to spoon half way up the cake cases which he managed….it was messy but he managed. By time hey had baked and cooled Jude was having his nap and Elliot sat and iced his cupcakes fro all his friends and teachers at nursery while I carried on with my jobs :). He’s not bad either. Think I have some competition. He did ask me to draw some ‘wuv choos’ (love hearts) on a few though. One had an Elliot face with Elliot’s curly hair too.

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Mums dougal cake

My mums favourite cartoon as a kid was magic roundabout and she had a dougal that she took everywhere. So I decided to make her this cake for her birthday. We got her a Westie puppy for her birthday also which she called……dougal! 🙂 he’s lovely.

I moulded the cake into a log shape and iced on the chocolate frosting using the electric pen to make the lines for his hair. Looking back on it if maybe use a lighter vanilla or fudge kinda frosting. I made his face using fondant as stuck it on with buttercream.

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Ian’s birthday cake

I made this very quickly with stuff I had lying around for an unexpected visit to see my cousin for his birthday. It’s the usual vanilla sponge with vanilla buttercream and jam and fondant. I used fondant for the logo and an liquorice pen to draw the liver bird on. And decorated it with plastic football cake bits that my mother in law passed on to me.

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My Grandads Scottish themed birthday cake

I made this cake for my Grandads birthday in January 2012. It was a chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream and fondant.
I modelled the Scotsman from fondant and all the haggis and loch ness monster. I used an electric icing pen to do the writing which I found a bit sloppy and hard to control.

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